Doug Ricketson
1 min readOct 23, 2018


Update as of 10/26/18…the “Coalition…” is almost at 1,000,000.00

Coalition for East Bay Health Care Access, Affordable Housing and Quality Public Schools, supporting Buffy Wicks for Assembly 2018…oh, so that is what they are calling themselves. Look it up yourself.

If you find that interesting, you might find these two useful as well.

Now, the individual groups cited above can call themselves anything they want. Their entitled to that, and as you can see, they’ve certainly paid for the right. But the truth that I perceive goes by a shorter, more memorable name:

The Coalition to Buy California Assembly District 15

For the duration of the race, this is one resource to find out where the “Coalition’s” money is coming from. Look for updates as new contributions arise.

It’s going to a long two weeks.

